Fund raise without Breaking The Bank


Are you a business in your start-up phase? Or maybe a nonprofit who has stagnated in revenue growth? If you answered yes, fundraising is probably a priority on your to-do list but something you're too busy to tackle. No need to stress, we are here for you! At The Nonprofit Millennial, we specialize in helping start-up businesses and non-profits reach their full fundraising potential. We can help you increase your fundraising revenue so you can focus on the more important aspects of your work.

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Non-profit fundraising

Non-profit fundraising is exciting! It's an opportunity to build a loyal supporter base who will help increase your positive impact on the world. With 9+ years of experience in fundraising, we work with non-profits to revolutionize their fundraising game and grow revenue from community fundraising, grants, partnerships and much more!

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Business Fundraising

Fundraising for your businesses can be a daunting process. These first stages of building a company can be very overwhelming and not so glamorous! We work with businesses to raise capital through grants and investments so they can re-invest in their product or service and flourish into a profitable company.

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GG 101 Training

Are you looking to start receive funding from grants? Take our Getting Grants 101 training and learn more on how to strategically identify potential funders and write a foolproof proposal!

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